Swoon Thursday (24): Losing Hope by Colleen Hoover

Swoon Thursday (24):
YA Bound created a spicy meme where every week I’ll highlight what has made me swoon from a book I am currently reading or one I’ve just finished. Basically what got my heart pounding, skin tingling, and stomach fluttering.

I dip my head and press my mouth to hers. We both inhale a deep breath the second our lips meet. She wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me to her, welcoming me back into her life. Our mouths are pressed desperately together but our lips are completely still and we’re both attempting to inhale another breath. I pull back slightly because the feel of her beneath me and having her mouth willingly pressed to mine is completely overwhelming me. In all my eighteen year, nothing has ever felt more perfect.
Oh my god I adored this book. It was so much more than a retelling of Hopeless. I completely recommend it. Holder is so swoony!


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